971 285 417 · Urgencias (24h.) 626 526 194 / 678 168 899 covasriquelme@covasriquelme.com


We offer a global service in the management of rented housing

Through the rental management service of Covas Riquelme, the property will have more security and tranquility in your rented home.

You will obtain greater guarantees and you will avoid inconveniences and problems, in case of conflicts or unpaid that could arise with the tenant, as well as with all the operations involved before renting a house and while you have rented. Live calm and get your rents.


C/ Emili Darder, 20 Bajos
07013 Palma de Mallorca

Tel. 971 285 417 · Fax. 971 280 463
Tel. Urgencias (24h.) 626 526 194 / 678 168 899

Mail. covasriquelme@covasriquelme.com


Winter Schedule
(From September 15 to May 15)

  • From 09:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday
  • Tuesday also from 16.00 to 18.00

Summer Schedule
(from May 16 to September 14)

  • From 09:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday


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